
Inequality has been growing for the last 30 years. The gap between rich and poor is the widest since the second world war. After the war, society grew more equal, but in 1980, that trend reversed and since then wealth and income have become concentrated in the hands of a very few.

If current trends continue, we will have reached Victorian levels of inequality in 20 years.

Inequality has an impact on all aspects of life in Britain today. It means that some families are going hungry, children are left behind. Health and life expectancy of the poor are lower than that of the rich.

Social mobility is at its lowest point in a generation and those born into poverty are likely to stay there.

It is important that we all understand these trends. This website and our weekly emails aim to open up the facts about inequality to the nation.

Inequality Briefing is non-political, the purpose is to spread information rather than to suggest policy solutions.

It is our view that only an informed public can make real choices about the sort of future we want. 

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